Burning Hearts

Organization Type:
Special Interest Group

Meeting Time(s) and Location(s):Meetings during the PSU school year:

Bible Study & discussion: Tuesdays at 5:30 in 208 HUB

Other Bible studies and prayer times also occur throughout the week. Contact us for more info!

Our group sponsors events on campus such as speakers and bands.

Distance from Campus:< 10 minute walk

Vision Statement:
    Sold out to prayer...

    [talking to God and listening to God]

    Set apart in purity...

    [living pure and holy lives with conviction and passion]

    Sent out with purpose...

    [willing to be Ambassadors for the King to the ends of the Earth]

How to find out more about this organization:

    Ellen Taricani
    Phone: 814-865-9317
    E-Mail: ext2@psu.edu