LinksSome helpful online resources: Apologetics (Defending Your Faith) Bible Dictionaries Bible Software Christian Chat Christian Colleges Christian Magazines Christian Music Christian Reading Materials Christian Singles Christian World View Concordances Devotionals Missions and Charities National Organizations and Churches On-Line Bibles On-Line Radio Stations Other Questions About God Website Directories
Apologetics (Defending Your Faith):
| [Back to Top] | | Answers in Genesis Answers in Genesis provides Biblical answers to tough questions about Creation, Evolution, and the Bible. answersingenesis.org
| | Center for Scientific Creation Compelling evidence for Creation and the flood. www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/
| | Creation Ministries International Creation Ministries International supports the effective proclamation of the Gospel by providing credible answers that affirm the reliablity of the Bible, in particular its Genesis history. creation.com/
| | Evidence for Christianity A site dedicated to the study of the evidence surrounding the central claims of Christianity. www.evidenceforchristianity.org/
| | Fingerprints of Creation A site listing reports and research on scientific evidence of Creation. www.halos.com/
| | Institute for Creation Research A Christ-focused Creation ministry where science and the Bible are fully integrated. www.icr.org/
| | Origins This site features scholarly and popular
resources concerning intelligent design and philosophical theism.
| | Reasons to Believe A site offering scientific support for your faith or answers to questions about God and science. www.reasons.org
Christian Magazines:
| [Back to Top] | | Boundless Magazine A webzine focusing on the deep beliefs of Christianity. www.boundless.org/
| | Christianity Today The website for the Christianity Today magazine. This site also has links for a variety of different Christian resources. www.christianitytoday.com/
| | Envoy Magazine Envoy Magazine is a bi-monthly journal of Catholic apologetics and evangelization. www.envoymagazine.com/
| | First Things First Things is a journal whose purpose is to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the ordering of society. www.firstthings.com/
| | The Lutheran A magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. www.thelutheran.org/
| | Touchstone Journal A Christian journal with editors from Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox backgrounds. www.touchstonemag.com/
Christian Music:
| [Back to Top] | | Christian Copyright Licensing International This site contains resources for buying and downloading the sheet music to modern worship music. us.ccli.com/
| | Contemporary Christian Music This site offers many newsletters about Christian music and concerts as well as a discussion board for talking about your favorite artists. www.ccmusic.org/
| | Jesus Freak Hideout Jesus. Faith. Music. www.jesusfreakhideout.com/
| | Musichristian.com A large selection of Christian music at low prices. www.musichristian.com/index.html
| | Rockin' with the Cross This site contains a Christian guitar tablature archive for musicians by musicians. (Membership is required) www.1christian.net/guitar/
| | Vineyard Music A site that allows you to search for American and International Christian music. www.vineyardmusic.com/
| | Worship Together Resources for today's worship leader. www.worshiptogether.com/
| | WorshipMusic.com A site that offers good deals on Christian music. www.worshipmusic.com/
Christian Reading Materials:
| [Back to Top] | | 99 Important Christian Theology Books A listing of 99 important books that provide insightful and lucid explanations of both modern and historic Christian theology. theologydegreesonline.com/important-books/
| | Bible Sprout A guide to Christian Bible study resources on the web, including Bible questions, study resources, blog articles, and more. www.biblesprout.com/
| | Christian Classics Ethereal Library An archive of classic Christian books in electronic format. www.ccel.org/
| | Christianbook.com Christianbook.com is the online partner of Christian Book Distributors and serves as a resource for purchasing Christian books and other Christian products. www.christianbook.com/
| | Study Materials for Catholics Follow this link to find Catholic study materials mostly concerning the old testament of the bible. www.usccb.org/bible/understanding-the-bible/study-materials/index.cfm
| | The Discerning Reader A place to find Christian books and articles. www.discerningreader.com/
| | Tyndale House Publishers A publisher that offers a variety of Christian books and resources. www.tyndale.com/
Christian World View:
| [Back to Top] | | Antithesis A site with articles about Christian counterculture. www.antithesis.com/
| | Christian Coalition The Christian Coalition is a group dedicated to giving Christians a voice in government. www.cc.org/
| | Dove Foundation A site that offers reviews on entertainment suitable for the whole family. www.dove.org/
| | Leadership U A site providing professors, students and other thinkers with the best in Christian thought on a variety of compelling issues. www.leaderu.com/
| | Movieguide A family guide to movies and entertainment. www.movieguide.org/
| | Sojourners Faith, politics and culture. www.sojo.net/
| | The Real Issue A site that integrates faith with teaching, research and service. www.realissue.org/
| [Back to Top] | | Blue Letter Bible An on-line interactive reference library, with a concordance, commentaries and study tools. www.blueletterbible.org/
| | CrossWalk.com Concordances A collection of concordances including Nave's Topical Bible, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, Torrey's New Topical Textbook, and the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. bible.crosswalk.com/Concordances/
| | What the Bible Says About A search engine that lets internet users lookup Bible verses by topic. wbsa.logos.com/
Missions and Charities:
| [Back to Top] | | Interserve Interserve is a network of Christians from all over the world who work together to serve people of Asia and the Arab world. www.interserve.org/
| | Lutheran World Relief Lutheran World Relief works with partners in 50 countries to help people grow food, improve health, strengthen communities, end conflict, build livelihoods, and recover from disaster. www.lwr.org/
| | Mission Network News A site devoted to bringing you news about missions around the globe. www.mnnonline.org/
| | Operation Blessing Operation Blessing is a non-denominational Christian charity whose purpose is to alleviate human need and suffering around the world. community.ob.org
| | Serving in Missions Serving in Missions is a global community of interdenominational Christians, passionate about reaching people with the love of Jesus Christ. www.sim.org/
| | Short Term Missions A search engine to help you explore short term missions opportunities. www.shorttermmissions.com/
| | Urbana A site where you can learn about global missions and God's will, and be challenged by the world's needs. www.urbana.org
National Organizations and Churches:
| [Back to Top] | | American Baptist Churches The national website of American Baptist Churches. www.abc-usa.org/
| | Campus Bible Fellowship National The national website of the Campus Bible Fellowship ministry. www.campusbiblefellowship.org/
| | Campus Crusade for Christ International The national website of the Campus Crusade for Christ ministry. campuscrusadeforchrist.com/
| | Church of the Brethren The national website of the Church of the Brethren. www.brethren.org/
| | Evangelical Lutheran Church in America The national website for the Evangelical Lutheran Church. www.elca.org/
| | Kappa Phi National The national website for Kappa Phi, an organization for Christian university women. www.kappaphi.org/
| | National Episcopal Church The national website for the Episcopal Church. www.episcopalchurch.org
| | Navigators National The national website for the Navigators fellowship group. www.navigators.org
| | Orthodox Church in America The national website of the Orthodox Church in America. www.oca.org/
| | Presbyterian Church in America The national website of the Presbyterian Church in America. pcanet.org/
| | The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod The national website for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. www.lcms.org/
| | The Presbyterian Church USA The national website of the Presbyterian Church (USA). www.pcusa.org/
| | The United Church of Christ The national website of the United Church of Christ. www.ucc.org/
| | United Methodist Church The national website of the United Methodist Church. www.umc.org/
| | World Council of Churches The WCC is an organized movement for Christian unity. It has member churches in more than 110 territories and countries throughout the world. www.oikoumene.org/en
On-Line Radio Stations:
| [Back to Top] | | Air One Air 1 is an online Christian radio station that uses Christian Music to spread the message of Jesus Christ to the world. www.air1.com/
| | K-Love An online radio station that plays contemporary Christian music and short educational programs. www.klove.com/
| | KNET 180 Radio A 24 hour Christian music radio station on the web that also offers music news, weather, and shopping all on one convenient, easy to use site. www.KNET180radio.com/
| | WGRC You can use this site to listen to WGRC live over the web. streamdb7web.securenetsystems.net/v5/WGRC
| [Back to Top] | | AddictionCenter.com - Christian Drug and Alcohol Rehab A site providing resources for drug and alcohol addiction recovery with a Christian perspective. www.addictioncenter.com/treatment/faith-based-drug-and-alcohol-rehab/christian/
| | Beat Your Past In Christ A website focusing on a Christian approach to overcoming trauma. beatyourpastinchrist.org/
| | Bible Study Resources Discover a collection of helpful Bible study tools including reading plans, indexing the Bible, studying with non-believers and achieving daily quiet time. www.navigators.org/Tools/Bible%20Study%20Resources
| | Bible Study Resources for Children Lessons, games, activities, coloring pages and other resources for kid's Bible studys. www.christianbookstore.org/bible-study-fun-for-kids/2995/storepage.html
| | Bible Study Tools This link offers study tools such as a searchable Bible in more than 30 different translations, daily readings and more. www.biblestudytools.com/
| | Caring.com - Senior Living in Pennsylvania A website listing key quality of life metrics for the state of Pennsylvania. www.caring.com/senior-living/pennsylvania
| | Christian Job Search and Resume Resources A webpage providing resources and linking to job posting boards for those seeking employment suited to their Christian beliefs. www.resumebuilder.com/christian-job-search-and-resume-resources/
| | Christian Student Foundation of PA The Christian Student Foundation of PA focuses on expanding God's kingdom in the university setting. www.csfpa.com/
| | ChristianColleges.com - How to Find a Church in College A brief discussion of things that Christians should consider as they look for a new church when transitioning to college. www.christiancolleges.com/resources/how-to-find-a-church-in-college/
| | Christianity @ Answers.com Scripture, Theology and Christiantiy at Answers.com. www.answers.com/Q/FAQ/2408
| | DrugRehab.com - Faith Recovery A webpage outlining the benefits of faith in addiction recovery, and also providing information and resources for those seeking support in addiction recovery. www.drugrehab.com/recovery/faith-and-religion/
| | Faith: Overcoming the Addiction to Smoking An article discussing the role of any faith in overcoming addiction, along with links to resources for those who desire to quit smoking. quitday.org/support/faith-religion/
| | Faith-Based Drug Treatment A webpage discussing faith-based addiction recovery programs, and also providing an option for those seeking support in addiction recovery. delphihealthgroup.com/treatment-guide/faith-based-programs/
| | How to Read and Understand the ESV Bible Learn how to read and understand the English Standard Version of the Bible, which is a literal translation in contemporary English without compromising accuracy, excellence or depth of meaning. www.esv.org/resources/esv-global-study-bible/how-to-read-and-understand-the-bible/
| | RehabSpot - Spiritual Treatment A site providing resources for faith-based drug and alcohol addiction recovery. www.rehabspot.com/treatment/spiritual/
| | Resources for Faith-Based Addiction Recovery Page summarizing available governmental, organizational and other resources for those seeking assistance with faith-based addiction recovery. forterustreatment.com/drug-treatment/faith-and-recovery/#resources
| | RidgeFieldRecovery.com - Faith and Spirituality in Recovery A webpage outlining the benefits of faith and spirituality in addiction recovery, and also providing an option for those seeking support in addiction recovery. www.ridgefieldrecovery.com/treatments/related/faith-and-spirituality-in-recovery/
| | Sunshine Behavioral Health - How Belief Systems May Help in Addiction Recovery A webpage outlining the benefits of faith in addiction recovery, and also providing information and resources for those seeking support in addiction recovery. www.sunshinebehavioralhealth.com/blog/a-leap-of-faith-how-belief-systems-may-help-in-addiction-recovery/
| | Three Simple Steps for Studying the Bible Find out how to use observation, interpretation and application to effectively study the Bible. www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/tips/3-simple-steps-for-studying-the-bible.html
| | Zippia.com - Christian Education Director Jobs A site providing basic information about jobs in the field of Christian education. www.zippia.com/christian-education-director-jobs/
| | Zippia.com - Pastoral Jobs A site providing basic information about pastoral jobs. www.zippia.com/senior-pastor-jobs/
Questions About God:
| [Back to Top] | | BibleStudy.org You have questions...the Bible has answers! www.biblestudy.org/
| | Christian Answers Network A mega-site providing biblical answers to contemporary questions. christiananswers.net/
| | Everystudent.com EveryStudent.com is a safe place to explore issues about college, life, and what it might be like to know God. everystudent.com/
| | The Story of Jesus An easy-to-understand account of Jesus' life based on the information in the four gospels. www.thestoryofjesus.com/
Website Directories:
| [Back to Top] | | Amazing Bible A mega-site of Bible, Christian and religious information & studies. www.amazingbible.org
| | Bible Study Aids A compilation of online Bibles and Bible study aids. bible.christiansunite.com/
| | Bible-Researcher.com An extensive directory of online Bibles and research texts. www.bible-researcher.com/links02.html
| | Bibles.net A directory of online Bible resources. www.bibles.net/
| | Catholic Net A site that lists many catholic resources on the net. www.catholic.net/
| | Christianity.com The Christianity.com website is designed to be a hub of Christian resources and communities on the internet. www.christianity.com/
| | ChristianWebsite.com A large Christian Directory that lists over 90,000 sites. www.christianwebsite.com/
| | Crosswalk.com Crosswalk.com is built around four primary content areas – Faith, Family, Fun and Community. Each category is further subdivided into areas of significance to many Christians, including Bible Study, Devotionals, Marriage, Parenting, Music, etc.
| | Gospel.com Gospel.com includes over 300 individual online ministries working to use technology and the Internet to reach the world with the message of Jesus Christ. www.gospel.com
| | Heartlight Resources to live victoriously for Jesus in today's world. www.heartlight.org/
| | Internet Christian Library One of the largest and most complete archiving of "classical" Christian materials available on the Internet. www.iclnet.org/
| | StudyLight.org A site that features Christian study resources. www.studylight.org/
| | Virtual Bible Study Resources for Churches A webpage listing numerous resources to help with individual and group Bible study. www.screenflex.com/virtual-bible-study-resources-for-churches/
| If you didn't find your website here and you would like your Christian website to be listed on CrossConnect.org, please send an e-mail to our site administrator.