WGRC 101.7 FM | Type: | Radio Station |
| Services: | WGRC broadcasts on frequency 101.7-FM in the State College area.
WGRC-FM is a non-denominational, para-church organization committed to serving the Lord Jesus Christ by reaching, encouraging and edifying people through the ministry of Christian Radio. See our website for a broadcast schedule.
| Distance from Campus: | > 10 minute walk |
| Address: | 101 Armory Boulevard Lewisburg, PA 17837 | Phone: | 1-800-546-WGRC | Email: | email@wgrc.com | Web: | www.wgrc.com |
| Other: | Our Mission:
- To proclaim the person of Jesus Christ by means of contemporary Christian music programming.
- To draw all people to a saving knowledge and personal relationship with God’s only Son, Jesus Christ.
- To support and strengthen individuals and families by communicating principles of "biblically-based, godly" living.
- To provide a wholesome, attractive radio format which will reach the greatest number of people.
Our Goals:
- Adhere to the teaching of the Bible for faith and practice.
- Air short programs with a devotional, inspirational, informational and challenging presentation.
- Provide up-to-date news, sports and weather reports.
- Provide public service time to area churches and organizations.
- Produce public affairs programming relative to issues of community-wide interest.
- Sponsor Christian speakers, music concerts and other outreach programs.
- Broaden the coverage area through translator stations and other radio stations.
- Adopt, as financially able, the latest technological advances to enhance the effectiveness of the radio station.