Ten Thousand Villages |
Type: | Business |
Services: | Ten Thousand Villages State College is a nonprofit retail organization, operating a store at 1341 S. Atherton St. The mission of Ten Thousand Villages is to "create opportunities for artisans in developing countries to earn income by bringing their products and stories to our markets through long-term, fair trading relationships." We are a part of the larger Ten Thousand Villages organization, which operates more than fifty stores across the country and builds and maintains the fair-trade business relationships with the international artisans we serve. |
Hours: | Monday through Friday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Sunday 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm |
Distance from Campus: | > 10 minute walk |
Address: | 1341 S. Atherton St. State College, PA 16801 |
Phone: | 814-954-5043 |
Email: | Statecollege@tenthousandvillages.com |
Web: | www.tenthousandvillages.com/statecollege#fndtn-home |
Other: | Ten Thousand Villages was instrumental in starting the fair trade movement in the 1940s and is committed to building ethical trading relationships with our artisan partners. Ten Thousand Villages is a member of the World Fair Trade Organization. Our board, staff, and volunteers all share a passion for our mission and are eager to share the stories behind each of the beautiful hand-crafted items in our store. |